
What does a BA do?

Business Analyst is a person that works closely with both client to understand the problems that need to be solved and development team to ensure proposed solution addresses these problems. Business Analyst has overall responsibility for the business modeling effort.

A Business Analyst must be adept at gaining an understanding of an organization from both documents and people, also be adept with a wide range of information gathering techniques, including interviewing and meeting facilitation, as well as, potentially, more sophisticated methods such as those used in organization research. This role is charged with the following duties:

    • Ensures customer's requirements are defined and documented
    • Strives for fulfillment of requirements, focuses on building the right product
    • Prioritizes software product features
    • Manages client expectations
    • Performs business process-related mentoring to project members, helps them to resolve business-related problems
To understand more - use Rational Unified Process (had to have EPAM login)

1. To EPAM Employees: We have a good description in our internal portal - PAL (http://pal). Go to Roles/Analyst/Business Analyst. There is a brief description what this role is about. It's good to know and understand it. Also, the two items (Requirements Development and Management Process and Business Modeling) are good ones to review.

2. In this stp-2006-09.pdf, there is an article called Can You Hear Me? You can take a look at it.

3. www.wikipedia.org has a good description about a BA role

4. You can take a look at this e-book. It is long, but it is about the Software Requirements and what they are about. Please see MS.Press.Software.Requirements attachment.

Great 10x to Elena Kamovich, whos provided all of this...